
To Divine Moments | photography

Journalistic Photography

finally it's ready

A simple blog, but much has gone into it.

To my Princess, for always being there for and borrowing photoshop books to aid in my work.

Special thanks to my sister and her friend for helping me out on this. Without your help, this non-savy IT brother of you will take a pretty long time to get this done.

To friends and family for trusting my works and giving me the best form of advertising, through the "word-of mouth".

Many has asked me of recent " Hey, how come you're so into photography now?"

Smiling it past me, alot has gone through my mind.

I actually loved it, but not many knew. Time, chance and opportunities just did'nt meet.

Capturing time and moments of people's most joyous point in their life, is a moment i feel blessed to be entrusted with such a task.

Hence i told myself not to give up on my interest and here i am.